The future of commerce, from ancient Rome to virtual reality | MORGAN LINTON | TEDxRoma
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From market squares to paper catalogs, from e-commerce to increased reality, trade has changed its rules over time, introducing three key elements in the act of buying: speed, convenience, and gratuity of shipping costs. Morgan Linton imagines the future of e-commerce thinking of its evolution: increased reality could close the circle, bringing the purchase of goods to markets … but with all the advantages of technology.
Co-fondatore e COO di Bold Metrics, il gold standard per la previsione detta-gliata delle misure del corpo, Morgan vede un mondo dove tutto è personalizzato per il corpo umano: dal sedile nelle nostre auto alla sedia in cui ci sediamo, dalla bicicletta che adoperiamo ai vestiti che indossiamo. Il blog di Morgan è diventato uno delle maggiori risorse go-to per investitori in domini di tutto il mondo.
Co-founder and COO of Bold Metrics, the gold standard for detailed estimates of body measurements, Morgan sees a world where everything is customized to the human body: from the seat in our car to the chair in which we sit, from the bicycle we use the clothes we wear. Morgan’s blog has become one of the biggest go-to resource for investors in domains worldwide.
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